I started blogging here. If I'm not mistaken, I started three blogs in this platform. However, with a not so good experience with Google Adsense, I was forced to close my account and try other blog hosting sites.
I am currently maintaining two blogs, one is from Wordpress and the other from Tumblr. I discovered Wordpress as a result of mere internet search. I was looking for other sites that provide free blogging opportunities. I initially found the tools and features of Wordpress hard to decipher. I find it not as user-friendly, relative to Blogger. Wordpress on the positive side has useful features not present in other blogs. It has this Site Stats menu where you could monitor the number of times your site has been visited. It even includes the web sources of your hits. Blogger I believe does not have this feature before it became a member of Google's family. It also has a wider choices for template designs. What further inspires me to continue blogging at Wordpress is the chance to be featured in their global dashboard. Wordpress features articles of bloggers that are timely and very interesting.
Tumblr however is the extreme opposite. Tumblr lives to its claim of blogging made easy. New blog features such as liking an entry and reblogging (similar to retweeting in Twitter) were pioneered by Tumblr. However, I feel that Tumblr is more fitted to photo, video, music bloggers. It doesn't match bloggers who are in writing. Tumblr follows this strict rule that when you upload a text, it's limited to a text. If you want to insert pictures in your text entry, you have to host it from other sites. Direct uploading of photos in entries chosen as text is not permitted. You can insert photos by simply adding up the exact URL. However, uploading of photos, video, and music in Tumblr as a blog entry is fast and better. For some reasons, I find uploaded pictures in Tumblr with better quality and resolution.
Why am I suddenly returning to Blogger? An unsatisfied customer would definitely look for an alternative. Tumblr has been down since yesterday. I am in blog mode and Tumblr has been suppressing my fingers to type and release those thoughts. Although I have my other blog at Wordpress, I prefer to have separate blogs. My Wordpress account is intended for serious writing. Tumblr houses my light, informal and everyday writing activities.
I just hope that my return here in Blogger would not bring me another source of frustration. I hope Blogger won't let me down again.
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