My previous post made some of my followers sad. Please don't worry, this is not another sad and tragic story. The video clip relates a story of inspiration, love and success. Please take time to watch this video.

Not everyone knows that I am a part time educator. Aside from my eight hour office job, I teach Economics subjects to college students. Teaching was one of my silent dreams. When I finished college, I wanted to pursue a career in teaching. My alma mater rejected my application and advised me to pursue my graduate studies first. I set aside that dream and pursued a career in the field of research. Unknown to most people, research offers diversified opportunities. From medical research, business research and recently, the growing field of research careers in data science.  

When I earned a stable job, I immediately pursued my graduate studies. My waiting paid off because right after I earned my MBA, I was given a part time teaching stint.

I learned a lot from my three years of teaching. Dealing with different personalities, talking while no one is listening, pushing my students to comply with my requirements and even being disrespected by conceited kids in front of the class. I in fact learned the art of becoming immune from these negativities.

Teaching is not a financially rewarding job. At least in my country, I can attest that teaching is the most stressful yet underpaid careers. But come to think of it, there are still a lot of Filipinos who are willing to teach. There are still Filipinos who are willing to take the risk of stress in an underrated career.

I guess the honor, respect and prestige of being an educator is more than enough wealth. Respect is way more valuable than money. It is earned way different and difficult than money.  This I feel is the main reason why there are still teachers. There are still people who believe that a real career is not measured by all those monetary returns. 

To see your students succeed and knowing the fact that you are part of such achievement is a priceless reward for a teacher. But for me the best reward I could receive from teaching is the lifelong respect and warm words of appreciation from a student. 

A teacher would always remain as a teacher. Regardless if you were the most hated or loved, your students will bear that respect. They will call you Ma'am and Teacher forever and that for me is a lifelong and priceless reward. Whenever a student utter words of gratitude and appreciation, that became music to my ears and heart. Seriously. A warm and genuine "thank you" makes me feel I have worth and I have done something good and right in my life.