Thank God the weather is getting better here in Manila. The strong winds and incessant rain fall are over. To my blog friends who extended their warm wishes in my previous post, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!  These are things I never expected when I started blogging.

The storm is over and life goes on. I think this means something else to me. Perhaps, that deserves another dramatic blog post. ;-) To lighten up things, allow me to share some videos that made me smile over the past stressful days.

First and foremost, I wasn't paid by Google to do this post. How I wish! It was Anji, a batchmate back in High School and a new found blog friend, who first posted this video in her inspiring blog. For some reason I enjoyed and loved most of the TV ads produced by Google. They aren't shown in the Philippines but friends residing abroad made me discover these simple yet heart warming ads.

What I love about Google's ads are the simplicity and true to life situations depicted. These ads have also proven that companies don't have to venture to expensive celebrities to convey effective and lasting messages.

Among the ads produced by Google, this one is what I loved the most

I already posted this video for my father's birthday and though I have watched it several times, this never fails to melt my heart.