While my life has been getting its own share of trials and challenges, I decided to divert my attention to some things that made me happy. Problems will always keep us occupied and burdened. If such is the case, then why not leave the heavy load for a while? Take a rest and retrieve them when we are ready and less occupied to accommodate them. If only life provides a concierge or a package counter that can look after our problems, I will be one of those who will patiently fall in line to temporarily leave things behind.

I promised myself to write only the positive things... for now? haha.. Allow me to share some of them here. This will keep me reminded that God loves me and in return, I should love the life that was given to me (Okay, cheesiness overload :D)

1. I'm back to my regular fitness regimen

Last Saturday, I finally had the courage to revive my old weekend ritual, JOGGING! After my weekend date with my Nanay (mom), we passed by the Town's Sports Center and I suddenly felt the longing to run again. We reached home early and to everyone's surprise, I changed to my jogging pants and running shoes. Actually, even myself was surprised of the impulsive decision. Why the rush? There is still Sunday and the clouds don't seem to favor an afternoon jogging. To be honest, I also don't know. Perhaps, my pituitary glands responsible for all the adrenaline rush of my system can explain.

The clouds made everyone felt that it will soon rain. However, the heavens connived with me. It only started raining when I reached home.

2. My next trip is booked!

I'll be adding another country to my list next year. Hooray! The place I will be visiting is one of my dream destinations. I'll be flying with an economy airline that has been responsible for all my trips abroad. Yes this airline has its own share of inefficiencies lately. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed.... they will not fail me. I'm also praying that there will be no hindrances in my life that can prevent this trip.

3. I'm back to reading and I'm nearing to finish my journal
I mentioned in my previous post that one of my blogging goals is to review a book at least once a month. I may not be able to comply with my target, but I'm more than happy of the little time when I can squeeze in reading. Despite of being dead tired after a day of teaching, I found myself enjoying a great read on my 30-minute train ride. I'm using less of my iPod because of my desire to rather concentrate on reading.

I'm reading Love the One You're With of Emily Giffin. A confession to make, I purchased this book 2 years agooooo.... I'm so glad that I finally had the initiative to read it.

The brown notebook beneath my read is my summer journal. (Hi Ricki!) I'm proud to say that I will soon be done with my attempt to revive my interest in arts and crafts.

4. My major project at work will soon be completed

So this is my second home...

This is the everyday view from my dilapidated desk. On the left is the niche of my boss and to the right is the shelf that contains my hardwork for 2 years. :D

A closer view of the shelf

Say hello to my babies :D Yes they are mere stacks of papers. But for me, they would remain as my precious offspring, I mean output. I've been carrying them in my heart and mind for the past 2 years. When I was transferred to my current office, this was the major project that my Big Boss has given to me. He started this project but since there are other tasks coming to the office, he gave me full control and responsibility. When these documents will finally be in hardbound and distributed to the different offices, I can finally breath and say mission accomplished.