I'm back from my three-day spiritual retreat. This is one of the few and rare benefits that my colleagues and I experience every year. We don't have team building activities.We don't have those expensive trips. We are instead given the blessing of a spiritual retreat.

I have mentioned in a previous post that we used to be housed in the beautiful Caleruega. For this year, we were brought to another venue. We were accommodated at Casa Corazon in Lemery Batangas. I'll blog about the entire place in my next posts. For now, allow me to share the wonderful reminders I encountered from our retreat master.

On the way to Casa Corazon, we were entertained by a local movie during the trip. Everyone was laughing because the movie shown inside the bus carries a not-so-suitable theme for a retreat.

In the early part of the movie, this message was repeatedly emphasized

Just because you like it, it doesn't mean that you can have it

 No one anticipated that this was a sign of our retreat's main theme. In the beginning of our sessions, our retreat master asked us if we really like the people we see in the workplace everyday. It made everyone laugh again. A reality that I guess, we have learned to get used to. The real message that our retreat master wanted to tell us is exemplified in another movie.

 Pi can end up with another companion in the lifeboat. Of all creatures, why with a frightening Bengali tiger?

Hence, life's clear message to us

And as for my continuous growing up issues, I was reminded that

And sometimes, I have to remind myself that all I really need is to 

Wishing everyone a Beautiful Sunday!