Whenever a favorite book is translated to a movie, count me as one of the excited spectators. 

I recently discovered that two great literary pieces are making it to the big screen. Yay!

Bookaholics, can you guess which book? 

John Green's The Fault in our Stars is going to be a movie!!! 

 John Green with Hazel and Augustus!

Fans of John Green, how can you get more excited than this?!

Setting aside my excitement, part of me is wishing that John Green and the producers will donate part of the movie's proceeds to institutions that support cancer patients around the world.

Even though The Book Thief didn't impress me well, I will not disregard the fact that it was well written and deserves all the acclamations.

Words will inspire her...
Courage will guide her...
Hope will define her...

I wouldn't mind waiting. But dear producers, please don't make the wait too long. :)