The bulk of my freelance works is finally over. There are still some unfinished tasks but I believe, I'm 90% done already. With all the work accomplished, I almost thought I would be having a more relaxing weekend.  Before I went home last Friday, I received some great news about my documentation project. The news is however coupled with more work ahead. The next two weeks would entail meetings, paper works and an endless list of preparations.

Before facing another work week, let me to recall the few good things that made my week. (Kim, yes I'm claiming it. I'm the queen of food porn. Hahaha) 

Snippets from the World Food Festival at the workplace - The perks of working for a school that offers culinary subjects, you sometimes get invited to activities that entail FOOD!

Mangosteen and Watermelon! - A break from the usual apples and bananas in my fruit box.

Define sinful happiness - Homemade burgers, potato and cheese sticks and the best Coke that landed on my hands. Yes, I'm claiming it Gwapa (beautiful) hahaha

Turning Korean - Spicy beef rice from Mr. Kimbob, sometimes happiness can be found in the cheap food stalls of food courts

Buko Juice and Paotsin - Classic favorite, all for less than Php 100

Encountered this video through my Facebook account

His first smile was priceless!

More reasons to love Ikea, even though we don't have it in the Philippines

Whoever created this idea is superb!! Hahahaha 

It's been a while since I watched a great movie