On vacation mode now! My holiday break started. The dinner and parties are over and I'm enjoying my slow and quiet time at home. Unfortunately, the vacay started with body aches. I woke up feeling signs of an upcoming fever. Must be the consequence of going home late everyday last week. I feel so bloated with all the food intakes. This is payback time for me. While I suffer all the consequences of all my pre-holiday escapades, let me share the other beautiful things that made my week. 

The last leg of Xmas party at the workplace - This also served as thanksgiving dinner for all the people who helped our office with the major project. We are still uncertain and clueless about the outcome. It would really be great if we will start 2015 with positive results.

Click Selfie : The Philipines' First Selfie Studio - I failed to catch the train's last trip because of this. Haha I blame my picture addict friends. We were about to leave the mall when we noticed this unique studio. I'll blog about this in a separate post. One thing sure, I highly recommend the place and service!

The last few days at the workplace showcased the most awaited Asian Dance Festival. Perks of working in a school is being able to witness this yearend event.

The class that showcased China emerged as the winner. What I admired best, the dragon was handled by two ten year old kids. Galing! And you can see the belly of the healthiest boy on the left. Hihihi The tailor underestimated his size which I didn't really mind. So cute and his performance wasn't bothered by this wardrobe malfunction. How I wish my big belly would look cute too. Hahaha 

The other night festivities at the workplace. The Christmas Mass followed by the surprise fireworks. A concert and hip hop dance competition awaited the "bigger" college kids. I love the "Step Up" vibe of the competition though some of my "older" colleagues felt uneasy with all the noise and lights. This is good news for me because I can appreciate things that irritate the older populace. Proof that I'm not really growing old yet!!! Hahaha