I was quite surprised that my past post gathered a number of comments. :) On the average, I knew only three to five people who regularly visit, patiently read, and leave words of appreciation and encouragement. It just feels good to find a small group of support system here. Thank you so much everyone! :) 

Meanwhile, here are the few beautiful things that made my week.

Weekend Rain and Misty Windows - This weather! The rain and the colder weather gave me more reasons to appreciate this weekend at home. A few of my colleagues reported for work for a major event. I may have failed to witness a significant milestone at the workplace but weekends like this? There's nothing to regret about spending a quiet and relaxing weekend with the family.

Grey and Bailey - #StopYulin I cannot understand how some groups can find fulfillment in slaughtering helpless dogs and cats. Even Pope Francis posted the stand of the Catholic Church

Define weekends - A bag of chicacorn from Binondo is another sinful way of spending weekends with the family.

Rainy days and movies - Perfect treat! Colder weather, pajamas, cotton sheets and blanket and reminiscing good old days with a favorite movie. Anyone who can guess one of my all time favorite movie? :)

Belgian Waffles! - I got this as soon as I saw it in the rack of the nearby 7-11 store. My verdict though? Too sweet for my taste buds. 

Something from the mail - Thank you The Candy Shop for making me happy even just for a while. 

While waiting for my Roger Vivier ... - Hahaha Aside from Valentino's rock studs, I've been dreaming of owning a pair of this ballerina flats. While everything is still a work in progress, I settled to this pair from Staccato

The family that eats together, stays together - This was thanksgiving lunch with the family a few days ago. My cousin who was mistakenly diagnosed with a serious heart ailment has been healed through second opinion. Thank you for leading our family to a smarter and better cardiologist.

The photos were taken from my friends recent trekking experience to Mt. Pinatubo. I lent my camera and sought permission to publish these photos. 

The majestic Mt.Pinatubo! The volcanic crater that turned to a beautiful lake years after. Give me a few more years to shed off my lbs :), I will have my own Mt. Pinatubo experience. 

I found these inspiring video from YouTube

and this is just perfect for Father's Day