I have a lot tasks that remain unaccomplished. During the holiday break, I usually have my annual decluttering tradition. I failed to do it this year. I have deadlines and target earnings to achieve. I failed to make a decent yearend post. Updating my ebay account has to be set aside. I haven't visited blog friends and I feel quite guilty because I have been receiving nice comments and feedback from friends and fellow bloggers. I failed because I'm mostly occupied with... freelance works. 

A few days ago, I remembered Aggie and Steve's posts. Steve included me in his list of Versatile Blogger link up. Thanks Steve! While Aggie tagged me to her 2015 year end survey. Thanks Aggie! Here are my responses to your set of questions. 

1. I'm not sure if I have already written about it but, I don't like Adobo. I'm a true blooded Filipino but I don't share everyone's love for this national dish. It's like being Korean who doesn't eat kimchi. 

2. I love to watch trailers of upcoming movies. This is the reason why I love arriving early in cinemas. Only to later feel disappointed because most movie houses are airing product commercials instead of movie trailers. 

3. I take poor customer service seriously. I encountered the worst food concessionaire at the workplace a few years ago with my friend T. Me and my friend T vowed to never support this concessionaire. When we were stranded at the workplace due to a typhoon, this concessionaire was the lone left to offer food. I chose to starve than buy for food from someone who once disrespected me and my friend.

4. I love airports. I love the sight of people everywhere, each carrying different stories with them. Although getting to and from airports is another story that I hate. Hahaha

5. I get entertained by local celebrities...... not by their talents and skills, but what happens to them behind the camera Hahahahaha

6. Conyo peeps irritate me... sorry Hahahaha

7. I don't often talk about my music interests here. Unknon to most people, I love Gin Blossoms, The Corrs (they made badly want to learn how to play the violin), Side A and True Faith. 

What did you do in 2015, that you'd never done before? Meron ba, wala yata? Hahaha To confront someone and express my honesty and sentiments... even in a way that hurts. On the positive side, channeling my research and investigative skills. I searched for my long lost penfriends and the newest hobby of collecting old and used postcards and envelopes. 

Did you keep your new year's resolutions,and will you make more for next year? To lose some lbs... and I FAILED.  

Did anyone close to you....
Get married? None. The few friends close to me are single and boring too. 
Give birth? None. Everyone is being teased to become a frozen delight. Please include us in your prayers. Hahahahaha
Passed away? a batchmate back in the all girls school and a relative, I was never close to her but I grew up knowing that she has a good heart

What would you like to have in 2016 that you lacked in 2015?  - Forever? Hahahahahaha Patience and the capability to sense who not to trust 

What date/s from 2015 will remain etched upon your memory and why? 

Sadness - The month of May, it was one of my lowest points. I took a leave from work the entire week, only to end up crying almost everyday. 

Happiness - Around the month of August, the day I stepped foot on the Highest Office of the country. 

What was your biggest achievement of the year? My documentation project became a successful endeavor. 

What was your biggest failure?Trusted the wrong people. 

Did you suffer illness or injury? - The last few weeks of the year, a bad case of stomach ache and indigestion. 

What was the best thing you bought? - The ghost chair, I feel like a grown up. Hahaha I almost forgot,the book shelf that has been pending for years. 

Whose behavior merited celebration?As always, my parents and my dear friend MFA. They just know how to make me feel better.

Where did most of your money go?Mom's eye treatment, shoes and bags (because it's hard to find good clothes on me)

What did you get really really excited about?The last quarter of 2015 because I had a lot of bad times on the first few months and meeting my long lost Korean friend after 17 years. 

What songs will always remind you of 2015? Geronimo by Sheppard, Daylight by Maroon 5, Pitch Perfect's version of Flashlight and Fast & Furious' OST See you again 

Compared to this time last year, are you

Happier or sadder: Happier! 
Thinner of fatter : F*^k, FATTER 
Richer or poorer? Still struggling Hahahaha 

What do you wish you'd do more?  - Sleep and travel to more local destinations 

What do you wish you'd done less?Impulse shopping and eating  

How did you spend Christmas? Family, visiting our relatives around.

Did you fall in love in 2015? - YYYYYYYYYe, NOOOO ahahahahaha

What was your favorite TV program?Undercover Boss, The Voice Kids Philippines and my K. dramas: Bride of the Century, Legendary Witches, Legend of the Nine Tailed Fox 

Best books you read?The Girl on the Train, The Day the Crayons Quit 

Greatest musical discovery? Maroon 5, sorry late bloomer hahaha 

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2015? - Laid back as always, forever flat shoes, slim pants, blue and white stripes and surprisingly, floral tops

What did you want and get? Ghost chair, and a few items from Kate Spade!!!!

What did you want and not get? A new smartphone 

What was your favorite film of this year? Love Rosie, Mission Impossible Rogue Nation, Iloilo, Way Back Home  

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? Home and visited my ailing grandfather. Let's forget the second question. :p

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Ability to save up and invest more 

What kept you sane? Family, friends and prayers 

Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Pope Francis and as always, Kim Tae Hee

What political issue stirred you the most? This one presidential candidate :p  
Who did you miss? My dear friend Anna who went ahead to heaven three years ago 
Who was the best person you met? My Korean friend Jenny and her students, a blog reader Hi Coleen! I hope to meet other bloggers I have been reading and following. 
Tell us a valuable lesson you learned in 2015. 
Always rely to your few and trusted friends. 
Thou shall not steal..... this is for someone. Hahahahaha 

WYSIWG does not always apply in the blogosphere. I have sad and disappointing stories. 
Honesty has its own tradeoff.