This Sunday is a rare work day for me. It's a long day ahead. I'm hoping to be productive and finish everything early. I still want to savor the few hours left for Sunday. I plan to buy special dinner for my family. It's been a while since we enjoyed our favorites from Burgoo, Yellow Cab or Army Navy. While typing this post, I'm enjoying my usual Saturday night. Dinner at home, watching the same TV show, coke and potato chips on the side. This is the life! Boring but very peaceful and relaxing. 

Last week was filled with activities, both expected and unexpected. It started with an unplanned work due on Tuesday. The next day, I had a random trip to the mall with my friend A. The mall had problems with their supply of electricity so everything went to total darkness. I will not lie, part of me panicked. On the way home, the train's services were suspended. In effect, I had to endure longer travel hours. Thursday felt fulfilling because I was able to complete some tasks. I also had a great lecture with my two classes. Friday was the best because I was able to watch Beauty and the Beast. Finally!!! No one could have done it better than Emma Watson. I read countless reviews, both praises and criticisms. Setting aside everything, what remained on me was Disney's first attempt to incorporate "gay love" in their film. Apologies for the spoiler. ;)   

Meanwhile, here are some beautiful things for this week

Weekly planner mess - The highlights of this week included Beauty and Beast, letter I received in celebration of National Women's Month and some items from a faraway branch of Japan Home. 

I'm adding rubber stamps in my stash. Anyone interested? I will share it to anyone interested in journaling. I hope I'll be able to generate interested fellows. I'm actually testing the water for this venture. Crossing my fingers, I hope everything will be successful.  

Postcard from Terra-  Thank you Terra for being one of the few friends, who make life beautiful and worthwhile.

Hello Marieken! Thank you for the postcard. I'm trying to track the years when did we start exchanging postcards. Can't remember and figure it out anymore. Hahaha 

Also in the photo is the all time favorite Vcut and Coke and the most awaited Sony a5000. Give me more time, I will earn that camera!!!

The beauty of weekend mornings - Goto (rice porridge) with strips of bagnet (crispy pork belly), lemons for juicing and an elegant coffee table book, everything feels so refreshing. 

Every now and then I discover friends who deactivated their social media accounts. Most complained of the unnecessary stress they gain from selfish, rude, cruel, and misconstrued thoughts of people to organizations. I will not deny, I had days when I felt irritated and provoked after checking my social media feeds. What usually affects me are people declaring their opinions as facts. In my own world, facts meant having data and concrete evidence. Unless you have decent proof, everything appears as mere assumptions. Then there are people enumerating their credentials and use it as take off point to lambast another person. Another breed include those who impose standards of excellency and use it as reference to elevate themselves. But truth is, everything will be directed to make someone appear so low and unworthy.

Recently, I read someone defining the standards of a "great" educator. I felt bad that some educators have the tendency to belittle fellow educators. While we have our own standards of defining what should be ideal, I'm leaning to the belief that everyone is already extraordinary in his / her own way.

A teacher or any person is already filled with life changing experiences. These experiences both forced and inspired them to become better individuals. Little do we know, it meant taking selfless decisions entailing years of sacrifices. Some may have been continuously immersing themselves with endeavors leading to priceless achievements. Unlike most people, they don't document every phase of their experience. No traces or evidences in social media, because they prefer to be humble and discrete.

An educator is not defined by his or her capability to venture on travel, acquiring a degree from an expensive university, a high grade in his or her thesis or dissertation, speaking engagements or her set of beliefs eloquently defined in her social media bio. I'd like to take everything on Brandon Stanton's words, When you look at a person, remember that everyone has a story. Everyone has gone through something that has changed them....

Apologies for the sudden outpour of thoughts. Blame my newsfeed, hahahaha 

Wishing everyone a great week ahead!

P.S. On a lighter note, I hope to feel inspired today. Maybe a sight or a conversation with my crush will suffice. Hahahaha