Current state : Cramming - It never stops every weekend. Pending works hoping to be completed and freelance works with additional requirements. While trying to figure out how to squeeze in everything, I'm in the company of a movie channel, chips and another temptation of refilling my glass of Coke. Food and movie in the background have been my company every time I work from home. I think I can live with this work set-up forever. Yes, I'm getting serious of working from home. With all the traffic and inconvenience from the shortened train operations, I would most likely to accept an offer that allows flexible working environment. It will emerge least costly, both for the employer and employee. Lesser operational costs for the employer, lesser transportation costs for the employee. We are not even factoring in the cost of time yet. But as always, this is way far, at least for my own reality.
I'm trying to recall anything positive from last week. A critical report I prepared was finally completed and presented. It was a great relief. I wasn't able to accomplish everything without the help of cooperative colleagues. My heart will always be grateful. :) I can finally focus and move on to another pending task. We also had our annual tradition to the Sto. Domingo Church. It was quite different this year because my usual companion was unfortunately stricken by dengue fever. :( Get well soon A!
During the weekend, I accompanied my cousin to a local seamstress. It gave me the opportunity to walk around my hometown. I miss this kind of laid back activities. I hope I can do it more often. We also went to the local market and visited another reliable local clothing store. I scored two pants for the price of Php 360. Best deal, right? I'm not sure how many of fellow Marikina residents are aware of Cynthia's RTW. It's another wasteland of inexpensive clothes, either branded surplus or products from the nearby town of Taytay Rizal.
Because I was quite occupied last week, I almost forgot the birthday of my special brother. I also didn't realize that he already turned 40 years old. Part of me feels happy that we have been blessed another year with him. But admittedly, each day is bringing me more worries. Me and my parents are likewise not getting any younger. Added to this, I have other concerns from my work life.~Breathe ~
Time to dust off these decors .... it's my favorite time of the year but will those circumstances that started early this year, I'm not sure how things will turn out on December.
A few hours before Friday ended, I finally received my order from Book Depository. Jiro Taniguchi's Venice book is part of Louis Vuitton series of travel books.
I initially wanted to order the book from Louis Vuitton's own shopping site in USA. This is the only item I can afford from Louis Vuitton. :) By the time I was ready to order, stocks were sold out.
I was expecting a hardbound edition but Book Depository sent me a paperback version. :p I didn't properly read the description, which states that the copy was in paperback. The content is the same but part of me feels I have a pirated copy. :D
Wishing everyone a great week ahead!
Wishing everyone a great week ahead!
I think that could be great to work from home, there would be lots of savings and benefits: wear what you like, no travel time or costs, etc. It would be good to go into the office once or twice a week to keep friendly work relations. You have a good idea.