Last week, I had another episode of "refusing to learn from experience."
I always believe that everyone has the innate willingness to help. There was probably never a day when I didn't encounter acts of extending assistance. At any workplace, it is by default, a silent part of everyone's job description. In my case, my years of work and accomplishments would not have been possible without the kindest contributions of colleagues, students and parents. I recognize the situation of colleagues placed in a disadvantaged position or troubled with tasks they cannot accomplish on their own. Hence, when someone at work is in need, (modesty aside) I try my best to render the best assistance.
A few months ago, I went the extra mile for someone else's accomplishment. I recognized his efforts and perseverance. I felt compelled to support someone with that drive and motivation for accomplishment. Months passed, our roles somehow reversed. He was the lone person I can rely for a new task. Least to say, it ended as another story of disappointment. If I treated him the way he treated me now, he will feel equally frustrated.
But then again, this was not the first time it happened. Experiences like this are so repetitive. I refuse to learn the idea of never to expect.
Meanwhile, the pressure from work feels tighter every week. A major project due on the second quarter awaits me and my colleagues. I think I will rant about it in this blog for a year. :D Apologies in advance because I live with a limited support system these days. I report in a workplace with a limited workforce. I don't see my friends. After work, I don't anymore have the chance to visit another place to unwind or have a great meal. I miss Taco Bell, Fully Booked and the sansrival slice from Cafe Adriatico. I long for weekends for sleep and some photography projects. I appreciate messages from friends, who regularly check my well being and remind me to slow down. I feel compensated even for the simplest yet real words of gratitude.

Last year, I rewarded myself with an item from wish list. The content of that pink box is something I waited for years!!! While I feel happy about the splurge, part of me feels that I should have purchased a treadmill. :p But I still feel optimistic, it will be worth it. Everything will be better soon... including my weight. :p
Wishing everyone a great week ahead :)
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