I realized, this was taken last December 2024. We decided to walk around Intramuros before a Christmas dinner.
Thankful that our week long stay in the hospital is over. If there's anything, I learned to be grateful of our home, family, work and the few people who never left me.
Another view from Binondo. I never imagined this small strip will eventually be filled with high rise residential units.
Saw this painting in Intramuros
How I spent the first day of January 2025
Ramen night after completing a major project at work - Define tired but happy
A major project in our department has been accomplished. We are just waiting for the results, along with those that were completed on the last quarter of 2024. I'm praying that everything will be for the best.
Last week, I was tasked with contributing to an employee activity for February. I submitted my proposal, only to have it rejected due to funding constraints. Even if the activity’s lead organizer had already approved. I was determined to push through. Good intentions should never be hindered. Thankfully, I have a few supportive people behind me, and we’re making it happen. Now, all I wish for is the active participation and enthusiasm of my colleagues.
Like many other schools in Manila, our institution is facing a decline in enrollment. While I may not have the power to convince every student to choose us, I feel a strong sense of responsibility to do better at work. I recently told someone, "This year, I will do better for our students." I hope this will be something I can fulfill.
love all the photos and kwento. :)